New Beginnings!
As we enter a New Year with thoughts of new resolutions, let us look forward to a year of new beginnings rather than resolutions.
I believe that to grow as a person we need to do new and exciting things. For some, this can mean backpacking to some far off country; for others it can mean taking up a new hobby. To really grow as a person you need to take risks. This can mean making new friends, moving house or changing career. In the Christian faith we like to call risk, steps of faith, because we believe that with God’s guidance you cannot fail. For every mistake there is the opportunity to get back up and try again; for every wrong turn there is another chance to head in the right direction. There is a much quoted scripture that brings Christians everywhere the confidence to try something new.
” And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8 v 28 NIV.
To move forward in the hope that your plans succeed can be frightening, but with God at the helm we cannot fail. Failure to try anything new is the only time we fail, because without allowing change we remain in a place of stagnancy.
As I prepare this year for a new event for the churches in King’s Lynn, I am taking careful steps with God to move forward. To know that God is with us as we take steps of faith makes every challenge worthwhile. I am part of a team called “Celebrate King’s Lynn”. This is a new adventure for the churches in King’s Lynn; one which is exciting as it brings a festival style event into The Walks on the 11th June 2016. There will be games and activities for all of the family and the momentum is building as we gather our ideas for stalls, Youth and Children’s work.
This is something new for our churches as all denominations gather to enjoy a fun filled day together. For many of us, this has not been part of the church history in this area and so we are filled with expectation as we try something new.
Remember this as you enter the new year. Don’t allow yourself to remain in a place in which change is not on your agenda. Look at your life, allow the boat of your life to leave the safety of the shore. God has much in store for those who look to Him. He is a God who wants His children to try new and exciting things…
Alison Hill