What Church?
Churches Together links people who express the God given treasure within them. Over the past year Churches Together in King’s Lynn has been an umbrella organisation for works and meetings which highlight Christian activities. Anyone can join in. In October 2014 a talk by Rebecca Meyrick about end of life care in Norfolk highlighted the patients and workers in the new hospice building at Hillington and the Hospice at Home services. The Foodbank has moved into bigger premises at the Red Cross building, appointed a new full time manager and extended services to include Food in School Holidays.
Chris Lindley did some research into the levels of poverty in the King’s Lynn area and his report was subsequently published. Up to 38% of children in North Lynn are living in poverty. In January the week of prayer for Christian unity theme was ‘The Well is Deep’. Services of worship were held at 8 separate venues on 8 separate days and were well attended. On 11th February Revd Riaz Mubarak gave a talk entitled ‘Called to serve; Ministry from Pakistan to the UK’.
Annemarie and Mark Willetts continued to work towards the setting up of a Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre in King’s Lynn. In March Rev Zoe Ferguson organised a quiz night for supporters of the Christian Aid collection which in May raised £5507.26. Bishop Jonathan Meyrick was the quiz master. The Good Friday Walk of Witness ended at the Minster with about 100 participants. Teams from the Open the Book project continued to go into schools to inspire the children with readings and stories from the Bible. Andy Moyle maintained the website at www.churchestogetherkingslynn.com and organised authors who contributed the ‘Thought for the Week’ in the newspaper.
In June Keith Morris and John Betts gave a talk about Network Norwich, a church media organisation, and Celebrate Norwich and Norfolk which is an annual event in the centre of Norwich showcasing what’s on offer in churches. Alison Hill, David Blacklock and Olivia O’Neil are organising a ‘Celebrate King’s Lynn’ event in the Walks on 11th June 2016. A group called Klimate Concern plans to raise awareness of climate change in the run-up to the climate summit on 30th November in Paris. In September Bob Wilson talked about prison chaplaincy.
Jesus said; ‘the kingdom of God is among you’; Luke 17:21.
Peter Coates, secretary of Churches Together in King’s Lynn.