Half Full or Half Empty? – John Belfield, Catholic Deacon, king’s Lynn
As I reached down for my glass of gin and tonic (occasional and just the one!) I rejoiced that I still had some left! – rather than being sad that I had drunk so much of it already!
A silly example I know but it illustrates a basic attitude to life of which I was reminded of when I read some of the letters concerning the flowering in Lynn. As I look at these decorations around our town, I rejoice at the colour and the beauty. I always marvel at French towns and villages as they put so much effort into enhancing their environment for the benefit of all – and even in places that are not a natural tourist area.
Our town is a draw for tourists. How much they must appreciate what has been done. What a lovely town. Sadly, others see the cost and complain about it. Their glass, half empty.
How often do we look for the negatives. Yes we may be stuck in a supermarket queue – don’t moan but engage others in friendly banter, say a silent prayer for the person on the till coping with sometimes grumpy customers or just wait patiently, grateful you can afford to shop in the first place!
Monty Python’s Eric Idle sums it up: Always look on the bright side of life. Go on, sing it if you know the tune! And if you don’t, do it anyway! Have a good week.
John Belfield Kings Lynn Roman Catholics