‘ Come to me ‘. That is a familiar phrase to parents. How often have you said this to your
children ? ‘ Come to mummy / daddy ‘ ,either to comfort them when they are tired and upset,or for a cuddle. The child responds and comes to you, trusting and knowing that you love and care.
We all have expectations in our lives and life can be so stressful when we face challenges and demands. We may be going through a difficult time due to a crisis , perhaps the loss of a loved one , or loneliness . We feel so helpless don’t we ? Who do we turn to ? Yes , friends and relatives can be very supportive . Often this may not be the case for many of us.
In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 , Jesus says , ” Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened , and I will give you rest . ”
The kind of rest Jesus is offering is His peace , a calmness in the midst of a storm – life ‘s storm, adding God’s grace and mercy.
In one of my favourite hymns , ‘What A friend we have In Jesus ‘( Joseph Scriven ) a verse goes ,
Are we weak and heavy -laden
Cumbered with a load of care
Jesus only is our refuge ,
Take it to the Lord in prayer .
When we go to Jesus He welcomes us with open arms.
Sundari Nagamuthu . King’s Lynn Christian Fellowship