Could Resurrection Lead Mankind to Eternal Peace?

With all the horrific carnage of wars assaulting us daily in the news it seems right to ask whether resurrection could be possible, and would those killed by war, resurrected and spread across the universe bring about eternal peace? 

To even start to think about this I am guessing that we would have to understand and be able to control reality. But what is reality? According to Carlo Rovelli’s book, ‘Reality Is Not What It Seems’, some scientists are working on the theory that reality is a manifestation of quantum gravity but what does this mean?

Time is not what it seems. Time slows down with speed and with movement away from large objects like planets. If you left earth and travelled at high speed before returning you would have aged less than your relatives who remained on earth. Time is therefore not a constant, as it seems to us, so scientists think of it as part of space, space-time. If you could travel at the speed of light would time stop? If it did would this mean that space-time is travelling at the speed of light? It is all very confusing, but scientists find that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity does work in practice for calculations related to large objects like planets.

Similarly, Quantum Theory seems to work for very small sub-atomic particles. Scientists have tried to break materials into smaller and smaller parts to find out what they are made of. Quantum Theory tells us that this is not an infinite quest but that there are smallest objects which are finite. Werner Heisenberg had the idea that light, which is an electromagnetic wave and which appears to us to be a continuous stream, is in fact made up of tiny particles called photons. He first had this idea when he watched a man walking through a park at night. The man appeared under a street light and then disappeared before reappearing under the next light. 

In a reality which is constantly changing, is there anything that does not change? Scientists tell us that there are three constants, the speed of light in a vacuum, the minimum length as defined by Max Planck, and Planck’s constant for action which is expressed as energy multiplied by time, i.e. joules per second.

Quantum theory and particle physics occupy a strange world that nobody really understands but again, Quantum Theory does seem to work in practice. This is why some scientists are suggesting that Quantum Theory should also be applied to gravity. In other words, is gravity an energy field which is composed of tiny energy-rich massless particles which travel at the speed of light and could this be the fundamental constituent of space-time and matter? 

All these unanswered questions mean that we are very primitive when compared to Jesus, if, as it says in the Bible, Jesus is able to resurrect the dead. Jesus says: ‘I am the resurrection and the life’, John 11:25.

Peter Coates, 

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