Scooped up

Crying_childEvery parent will know the scene I’m about to describe well…

The moment you’re young child runs off, they trip and all you can do is watch as they fall face first before finishing up in a tearful heap.

As my two year old son laid on the concrete I done what any loving parent would do, rushed over, bent down and scooped him up. I love him and I wanted to help.

Did you know God is just the same?!

Psalm 145 says ‘The Lord is gracious (disposed to bend down & stoop in kindness) and full of compassion.’

The definition of compassion is ‘a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.’

When we are on our face, sick, broken or troubled by something, we want more than for someone to feel sorry for us. We long for someone to be able to help do something about what’s happening. We need compassion and we find it in Christ.

Matthew 14 says when Jesus saw the sick, broken and troubled ‘He was moved with compassion for them and healed them.’

If for whatever reason you are on your face at the moment Jesus wants to bend down to you and help. He is ‘gracious and full of compassion’, he’s moved by what’s going on in your life, and because he loves you he wants to help!

Why not call out to him?

Darryl Mallet

Assistant Pastor – King’s Lynn Christian Fellowship



2 thoughts on “Scooped up”

  1. I have felt the compassion and the understanding of The Lord, and he has answered me and put me on the right path, I have asked him to forgive my sins and I welcome him in my heart.
    But I am a new Christian and need your guidance.
    Phil sinfield

    1. That’s fantastic. The best things you can do are
      i) Nurture your relationship with Jesus by praying and reading your Bible
      ii) find a local church and get plugged in, so you can be encouraged and strengthened with and aby other believers

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